speaking volumes
Written Word

I Am Her Daughter (2016)
I Am Her Daughter – The Healing Path to A Woman’s Power by Licia Berry addresses the unhealed Mother Wound in women, in culture, and in the world. The author shares her personal healing and offers strategies for women to reclaim their birthright of love and acceptance, with an eye on healing the global Mother Wound.
Are you a woman who:
• has difficulty trusting yourself,
• is often called “overly sensitive,”
• has difficulty setting firm boundaries,
• doubts that you are loved and lovable,
• rejects the wonder of your woman’s body,
• feels you must earn your right to voice your opinion,
• knows there is something wrong but can’t seem to name it,
• avoids intimacy with other women, having few close friends,
• is struggling to find your place and permission to be in the world,
• doubts your unique brilliance and suffers from a lack of confidence,
• has disturbing memories of your mother but is afraid to talk about it,
• mistrusts and has difficulty with other women, even though you seek their approval,
• has or had a challenging relationship with your mother (or even no relationship at all?)
Soul Compost (2012)
The choice to make good from her challenges was a decision to “compost” the adversity in her life, growing a thriving, enlivened being full of heart. With a keen eye of observation and understanding as well as startling insights about the evolution of human consciousness, the author shares an inspiring story of finding her way home to herself and to a purposeful, joyous life. Insightful, moving, and courageous, SOUL COMPOST argues that each of us is a Warrior and has the resilience to recover from difficulty to make beauty out of hardship. (Memoir, Inspirational, Feminist – 222 pages)
First in the “Woman, Awake Series” by Licia Berry, a series that details five stages of her healing adventure. SOUL COMPOST is:
- a healing memoir about incest and recovery
- the story of multiple modalities of successful therapies
- an illustration of the power of inner creative work—writing, visual arts, body movement, and holistic practices—to aid in inner transformation
- a hidden revelation that the role that a spiritual life can play in recovery from PTSD, written in non-denominational language
a very frank, tender, and - vulnerable narrative of recovered memories and their aftermath
an affirmation of every woman’s resilience to overcome trauma or challenging experiences

Love Letter (2008)
Earth and the human race have arrived at an unprecedented opportunity for growth, understanding and expansion. With human existence at a crisis point, many of us are struggling to keep our heads above water. The fear, grief and anger that is being experienced by humanity is unnecessary, however. Addressing questions and concerns about the current cycle of human consciousness and the planet’s process, Love Letter will challenge what we have been told about our relationship with physical life. Love Letter is a message of comfort, along with practical suggestions for navigating through these times on Earth.
Other Works and Collaborations
Detailing the healing of their relationship with money as a result of Peter and Licia’s 7-year family odyssey with their children, using a holistic system of healing they developed on the road!
Learn the 5 steps to healing your relationship with money!
*created especially for my interview, along with my husband Peter, on the Be the Phoenix Teleclass with Kathryn Hathaway, air date Dec. 9, 2015
Big Message Big Mission is part of the Women Innovators series published by Women Innovators Publishing and features 9 unique and diverse stories from women who have created a life and career based on a big message and bigger mission. Through an interview process, each woman was asked to define why she started her mission and how she can expand her message through this book.
Why do survivors stay silent for so long? And what are the effects of silently holding onto trauma that ripple into the lives of the abused? Sparked by events that fueled the #MeToo movement, more people are speaking out, and more people are listening. This series of interviews is groundbreaking – it is cultivating open conversations in a safe, respectful, skillfully-facilitated environment.
Many authors include the difference one person, or several people, made in their lives, also how something greater than themselves intervened offering them a hand up to where they are today.
Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction teaches you what you need to know about living the Law of Attraction and how to create your own personal success through its concepts.
What They Say