originally published in January 2007 at www.liciaberry.com “I don’t like myself, I’m CRAZY about myself!” -Mae West, 1892-1980 I wonder what the world would be like if we all felt this way? If we could all say genuinely, without reservation, “I am crazy about...
Feeling the Feelings
pricking the crusty scab over the wound in my heart...letting it bleed I must…there is no alternative if I want to be an alive, pliable, feeling human being a moment’s courage to stick the needle of my consciousness in please, hold my hand, Greater Self and it’s...
The Women First
A journal entry from 10-30-09 The little boy I picked up in the labyrinth (https://liciaberry.com/blog/2009/11/10/the-boy-in-the-labyrinth/) is beginning to stir now…he has more life in him, whereas he did not seem to inhabit his body very much before. I feel he is a...
the Balance
So much work I have done to awaken the Sacred Feminine within me. So much attention have I given to embodying Her, to BEING Her in this world that has been so out of kilter for thousands of years. And that has all been right because it has brought me home to a large...
“Love is an attempt at penetrating another being, but it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual”. - Octavio Paz I’ve been known as an independent and willful person since I was very young; one of the most pervasive images I have been given of my own toddlerhood...
Coming Through
Who knows what is going on in the larger collective? Lots of folks claim to, but I tend to think that we each have a slice of the pie, rather than the whole pie....a peek at the global story through our own filters rather than a completely objective viewpoint. My...
The word "rebirthing" has been in my psyche quite a bit of late; perhaps in part due to the immanence of spring (around the corner, I hope!) Perhaps in part due to the "collective sloughing off" that's going on for so many people, in our country and beyond. And...
She is Working Her Magic on Me
Last Thursday, I taught the first class in my inaugural "Faces of Her" teleseries. With great hopes and expectations, and lots of sweat and labor, I birthed this offering amongst 10 women. It touched me in a different way to teach this class; it came from a more...
A dose of brilliance
"Listen. To live is to be marked. To live is to change, to acquire the words of a story, and that is the only celebration we mortals really know. In perfect stillness, frankly, I've only found sorrow." — Barbara Kingsolver (The Poisonwood Bible) "When we traded...
Excerpts from Magpie Girl/Flock 3Q interview
These are 2 of the 3Q's, as interviewed by Rachelle Mee Chapman of Magpie Girl and Flock, her wonderful SoulSpa membership. http://flock.magpie-girl.com/ Q. You are a soulcare practitioner with spiritual gifts for healing. In a recent blog post you wrote about how...