In the Northern Hemisphere, we are seeing the Winter Solstice today. It is a special time of year for me....only because I feel the holiness of this energy internally. It FEELS like the darkness, it feels like the time to drop the deadwood, it feels like the time to...
Back on the Topside
The completion of the last moon cycle on the 15th saw me on my knees, raking through the deep sand and mud in the subterranean waters I have been visiting of late. I swam with the dark fishes through underwater caverns, navigating dark, narrow passages as I searched...
Nature is the Balm
Relationship with Nature as a Step Towards Healing our Fear for Our Survival My last entry scared even me....why would my inner guidance urge me to write about the fear for our survival that seems to be permeating even those of us devoted to bringing sweet thought...
Your Attention Wanted
In my inner guidance time this morning, I asked what to write about-my question comes in the form of “what to offer humanity today”. I was interested that the guidance came in very clearly to write about the fear for our survival, and the suggestion to heal that...
The Case for Integrating Our Shadow
Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate, or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems painful can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for...
I wrote this back in 2006, when I was fiercely examining how to reclaim the holidays as my own delightful invention, rather than something belonging to someone else that I was trying on. Many of us seem to blindly follow the crowd, as if in some sort of trance, when...
Please read…”Adults’ Responsibility in the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse”
It seems to be in the media everywhere right now! Between Mackenzie Phillips, Oprah Winfrey, five men in one family arrested, and the movie "Precious", it seems the collective mind is attempting to bring up the heinous topic of sexual abuse. I hear many saying how...
As long as there is hurting, there is a need for healing
I was reminded this weekend that I am a healer. I’ve always known this, but haven’t always wanted to own it. I think there are a lot of us out there. I don’t have to say a word. Just my presence, a smile, will sometimes awaken the desire in others to offer up their...
Blue Eyed Indian
a story about searching for one’s lost tribe Wingapo Cheskchamay (“Welcome, All Friends” in Powhatan language) I share this excerpt from my book with you now because I have lately struck a chord in some of my posts….there are others besides me who do not feel...
Telling the Truth
"When a woman tells the truth she is creating the possibility for more truth around her." -Adrienne Rich There is something about having an audience that provokes an artist (of any kind, whether writer, musician, visual artist, actor, etc.) to rise to the occasion...