I wrote this journal entry in 2003, right before my family's life changed drastically. It felt appropriate to share it here and now. Form Follows Function A journal entry by Licia Berry www.liciaberry.com 8-03 Who am I? God, please tell me. No, I mean, who am I...
Good Things Come in Threes
Having come through 2 of the hardest and most growthful years that I can remember, I am seeing things 20/20, of course. All of the cycles we have been through are making sense. Here at the wrap-up of the end of 3 seven-year cycles, a shorter 11 year cycle, and...
My Love Affair with Symbolism
I have had the delight recently of being reminded of my connection to the All That Is through the visitations of several of the two and four legged family. (Wow, when was the last time I said I was DELIGHTED about something? It has been a long time!) These...
The Pendulum Swings-a New Balance
Aha...it is starting to make more sense to me now....as the time grows nearer for our departure from the pristine San Luis Valley of Colorado, I can feel that our cycle of inward-ness is coming to a close. When we began the family journey in 2003, it...
The End of an 11 Year Cycle
When my beloved family of four began our traveling and inner search for our “family heart” in 2003, I thought it was something new for us. We had certainly never done anything like what we did before…leaving behind all of society and its demands and obligations, a...
Well, more changes to report in the never-ending stream of it our family has seen in the past year! Since the ankle break forcibly sat me down, I have become a person who is more still and who is becoming more quiet. I learned LOTS of amazing things during the whole...
Observations on Nature and Change…the Cheyenne Way
The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. –Charles Dubois With all that is going on in the world these days, it seems the one constant is change. Of course, change has been happening since the...
Learning How to Walk
“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” Friedrich Nietzsche Like most babies, I learned how to walk the first time by the age of 11 months. I crawled successfully at 8...
“To Thine Own Self Be True”
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."~Dr.Seuss I am of the mind that I am the one who has to live with myself, regardless of whatever anyone else thinks or has to...
Carrying as a Feminine Principle
To Carry-to take, to bear, to hold, to bring, to lug, to transmit, to transport, to convey, to transfer, to move, to pass on, to conduct, to relay, to contain, to include, to involve, to store, to supply, to keep (from the English Thesaurus) As a result of my injury,...