Well, the horse is already out of the starting gate, having been chomping at the bit to get out…..we felt that 2008 was a year of the beginning of the end (boy, it sure was) and we feel 2009 being all about the solidification of new beginnings.

I am a process-oriented person, so I don’t see things happening all at once…when it comes to change, there is always a build-up of energy, there is always a tearing-down energy, and there is always a rebuilding energy.  In nature, this cycle is seamless.  For us humans, though, we get so upset when changes are happening!  But if we can just feel where the energy is going, we can choose to flow with and anticipate the changes so we aren’t so flustered with the inevitability of change.

Last year our little family saw the end of a lot…the end of our love affair with our little town in Colorado, the end of some relationships, and the end of limited ways of seeing ourselves.  I got to know the sacred energy of the Goddess Kali very intimately!  The process of destruction and dissolution of these things was hard and painful at times, but it definitely felt right for it to happen.  What it felt like to me was that I had outgrown my skin…a restless and itchy feeling, and every time I tried to make my old skin comfortable, I felt like I was going to die.  It was as if by my trying to sustain the old reality that was dying away, I was saying no to life and yes to soul death.  It became very palpable and easy to identify by the end of the summer for us…we had to let go or we would not become who we were meant to be.

So the crashing down of old thoughts, beliefs, relationships, systems, geographical locations, jobs, bodily health, etc. and the simultaneous release of outdated emotional energies was the norm for us as well as a lot of folks by the end of the year.  I am grateful to have the knowing and the tools to deal with these shifts in a conscious way so I don’t panic or feel that I am going crazy!

The four of us as a family also know how to ride these waves of change…we have been consciously doing this as a family since we left for our first trip in 2003.  When we all had the strong feeling that we had to leave Colorado in October, we did it…and have escaped a very snowy winter thus far.  When we felt the guidance to come to San Luis Obispo, CA and acted upon that, we found the place we want to live.  When we cooperate with the natural universal energy flow (which I experience as deeper than the surface “going with the flow”), we are so taken care of; it is magic.

And now more changes are coming for us.  We are excited as we awaken early every morning and listen to the guidance that comes in the quiet hours…let go of this thing, begin to build this thing, turn here, pause here, dream and vision of your brilliant future…it is so very precious to feel how the universe loves us and is willing to guide us if we but choose to listen.  We are becoming, more than ever, who we know we are.

My good friend Terry Musch coined the phrase “2009 is the year of Emergence.”  I think he is exactly right.