Star Tarot crd

Along the lines of self love and ceasing the habit of judging ourselves, I love what Joseph Bruchac writes in his wonderful book, Our Stories Remember.

He speaks of a conversation with a friend who asks him if he is carrying around any guilt.  When Joe answered no, he didn’t think so, his friend said, “Brother, that’s good…One of my (Cheyenne) elders asked me once what you should do with a cup of water that is not good to drink.”  He then made the motion of pouring liquid from a cup out onto the ground.

This is a great story and illustration of what to do with those old thoughts and feelings that are not helping us live our lives in a joyful way.  There comes a time when it is more supportive to let go of something than to hang on.  By pouring out the stagnant contents of your cup, you are then able to hold it out empty and fill it with something life affirming!

I was drawn to the Star card as I was thinking about pouring water on the ground and how that relates to the New Moon (which was on Monday) and the Spring Equinox (which is on Saturday).  Interestingly, I found references to all of the energy I am encountering right now:

“With Aquarius as its ruling sign, The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the Querent’s thirst, with a guiding light to the future.” Source:

And may I suggest, with Spring Equinox around the corner, that we dream and imagine and visualize the future that fills us with peace?