Play, Just Because-collage by Licia Berry, 2008
This morning I’m recovering from a VERY busy week and weekend; I secured an art studio, made collages and started painting again, attended a screenwriting conference, worked as a facilitator for clients, prepared for and taught a breakout session at a women’s conference on Saturday, strategized with my marketing gurus, wrote, and all of this while having a very intense time of body memory of sexual abuse and the intense fear and powerlessness that go along with that. No small feat to come through the week relatively intact!
However, as I sit here today feeling my tiredness, feeling my inner weariness, feeling fear about some things and sadness and anger about others, as well as the feeling of victory and satisfaction from a job well done, I’m guided to the above collage I made in 2008, in which I was reminded that play is what this is all about.
I’ve channeled professionally since 2001; I never bought entirely the spiritual-babble line that earth was a school we all come to learn in…that it was all about learning lessons. Not too sure about karma, either. (Do you think that we believe whatever corresponds to how awake we are?)
To me, the lessons came as a result of the action, not that the lessons were the purpose of the action. But what WAS the purpose? I’d had glimpses, maybe memories, of waiting excitedly in line for my turn to go to the pretty green and blue playground of earth. But it was in 2006 that the answer that resonated most soundly with me came through in a channeling session for a client.
It was said that coming to physical form is the place where we get to experience things we can’t when we are not physical. That there is nothing like this edge of existence where we can feel what its like to make love with physical bodies, to taste the most marvelous food, to smell a rose, to listen with ears to the sound of our child laughing, to see the beauty of natures splendid co-creations. I know it can be hard to wrap our heads around this, but can you imagine for just a minute how much information we get from being in physical bodies? It is just a multi-sensory explosive experiential hoot!
It was said that Prime Source energy is one of pure, simple expansion…that this never-ending continuation of the next frontier is generated by a creative force that we can scarcely understand. And that if we had to put a name on this quality of constant, expansive, generous creativity, it would be “PLAY”. Play, just for the sheer desire to do it.
For me, it gets more challenging to remember the lightness with which my spirit came to be in this material world when things are not going so swimmingly. Perhaps I’ve had a conflict with someone, or my child is sick, or I struggle with my own inner demons. I’ve lived through some things that caused incredible damage to my body and soul. I’ve asked myself many times, “Why would I elect to be part of that?” Sometimes, life just doesn’t feel like play, from a 3-D perspective. I am an advocate for feeling those lows as well as the highs, though…I sense that there is great purpose in feeling ALL OF IT.
So, then….I guess that means that the lows as well as the highs are part of what we signed on for, as well. That it’s ALL play; that from our magnificent high viewpoint as soul’s or spirits or aspects of the One, that even the very most awful, heinous, difficult stuff could be viewed from a spiritual perspective as playful. If that’s true, then we must be some very powerful, large, all knowing beings. We must truly be made of the stuff of Source, if we would so gladly enter in to this playground where we cannot possibly know the infinite number of factors that will co-create our life with us. We must be true pioneers, ready to encounter anything in the name of discovery of the next delight.