Never Alone, collage by Licia Berry 2010, copyright Licia Berry 2010

Last night in my bed time ritual of connecting very consciously with my angels and helpers to ask for suggestions and guidance, I was happily surprised to find Great Father, an aspect of the Divine Masculine, wishing to speak with me.  His voice is very clear and strong, as are His suggestions.

He spoke to me of expressing my power through my throat…using my voice as a tool for Love in this world, in a powerful way.  I questioned how this was different than my usual expression of Love.  I am still discovering the answer.

But this morning I noticed how happily I joked around with my sons and husband as we got ready for the first day of school, how lightly I stepped, how open my heart was as I saw them and the world.  I had major insights about our relationship with my in-laws, some patterns and cycles that had previously not revealed themselves to me.  I noticed that self-love, perhaps the most primary concept that we can actively remember in order to save ourselves, seemed attached to all of this.

I found myself appreciating my physical body in a new way as it powered up the hills this morning on my bicycle, as it chewed the kale I ate for breakfast and internalized the light nourishment from the powerful food medicine.   The music my son put on this morning moved me to tears (it was the Beatles).

And then it got bigger… love of self expanded to how strong my body was to bring these two beautiful almost 10-pound babies into the world, rocked in love with my Beloved to create them, steered me through the storms of my childhood…all the way back to my inception and even prior, my choice to come here to earth.

It is hard to describe the sweetness of genuine love for oneself…it is a solitary, single point of sensation for me, as if there is no other reality besides this one realization that I belong.  That I am loved and love itself.  It is all-inclusive, all encompassing.  It feels like being Source.

This sort of experience is not new for me; I have been in this place with enough consistency to know it when I am in it and to miss it when I’m not.  But when it happens, it changes everything.  It is like tasting manna from heaven, and it’s enough to last for a long time.

Perhaps the suggestions made to me last night by Great Father to “express Love from my throat in a powerful way” were intended to lead me to share with you my experiences of Love.

And guess what song is playing as I finish this post?    All you need is Love.     🙂