In a world that has lived in imbalance for such a long time, we are seeing balance returning in little and big ways.  Whether in the political arena, the weather, emotional ups and downs, or world economics, the Great Balancing is underway.

What does this mean to the average person who, for example, goes to work, cares about the environment, and wishes there were more peace in the world?  It means we will see some upheaval in our lives; what that upheaval looks like is determined largely by the imbalances in our own little worlds.  It is time for balance, time to return to what is life sustaining.  When we cling to those familiar props that are not life sustaining, we are going to get a message from the universe to let go of them.  Our resistance to release what does not serve us will create havoc in our lives.

I know about this one!  I had developed quite an internet presence in 2007; building up my online readership over a few years, I enjoyed seeing my visitor stats at a nice, high number.  I thought that meant that I was doing what I “was supposed” to be doing.  Not so.

I was doing what my ego wanted me to do in order to acquire recognition; yes, the data I provided was helpful to many people (I provided energy updates about the collective pulses from Source and other energetic prompts for humanity’s expansion), but it wasn’t helpful for me.  I received no compensation for my years of effort and labor to provide this service, but I did receive the little thrill that there were folks that wanted what I offered.  At the time, this was enough to keep going, but after awhile, I felt resentful.

Giving from a place of imbalance is not really giving, as I found out.  If I am seeking something from an imbalanced place, and giving to accomplish that goal, my giving isn’t a true gift.  I could not receive anything life sustaining from my efforts because my giving was not life sustaining.  The system of true giving = true receiving was not in place.

My abilities in data retrieval and higher consciousness communication are indeed a gift to me, a gift from Spirit.  My thinking was that since I was gifted, I should gift to others by offering my services for free, for cheap, for donation, for barter, and receive simple recognition and a thank you from my readers.  My thinking was that the universe would “take care of me”, that the support would come in other ways.  And while that did happen to some degree, it was not a clean interchange.

Now, I feel the pull to create a more balanced relationship with money, my work, and those who want what I have to offer.  I am making the exchange more direct, not asking the universe to provide support for me through other means, but expecting those who want what I offer to support me through direct exchange.  Through my valuing what I give, I now choose that I will receive directly the support I crave.  I do have to pay my bills, after all, like other humans do.

So what is my lesson about balance here?  That it is balanced (and life-sustaining) to give and receive, that they are interchangeable.  This seems so very basic (and it is), but for me, this awareness is a new experience in feeling part of the flow of goodness in the universe.  As I learn more how to surf this particular wave, I am getting better at standing up and better at navigating those moments when I am tempted to lean into the old habit of giving in exchange for a smile.

I am also interested to notice that this energy shift in me is touching everything in my life, for the better!  I can feel that abundance (in the form of currency and otherwise) is inside of me, rather than outside (this means I’ve integrated it).  I am more motivated, more structured, more disciplined.  Instead of feeling like a victim to some outer force that is not shining down on me, I have found my inner spine, my power.  And I’m standing in it.

How are you experiencing re-balancing in your life?