This Ahead, collage by Licia Berry 2011

In my work with currency and healing my relationship with it, I was guided yesterday to make myself a Spirit Collage (I make these for you, too- to answer some of my questions.  Why am I afraid that money will be taken away from me when I have it?  And, What will happen when, as many of us intuitive folks have seen, the economic structure changes form?

The collage images that I dowsed turned out to be very helpful in understanding my relationship with lack of money, as well as revealing to me the timeframe of a world that operates without money.

The first image was a photo of boy orphans living on the streets of their village; they look to the right side of the collage, in this case, the “future axis” as I call it.  These boys seem very sweet with each other, despite their situation.  It turned out that this particular image was chosen instead of just any group of children to answer my question about my own fear about money in order to prompt me to remember my strange connection with the movie Oliver when I saw it as a youngster.  It also stands in for the generation that is my sons’ generation; the fact that these children were all boys was to help me make that connection, as well.  Many times in a Spirit Collage it will reveal multiple layers of story and meaning.

The next image is of a list of names written on the floor; there are girls’ as well as boys’ names.  These represent future generations.  Again, they are on the “future axis” of the collage.

In addition, a few words dowsed as part of the Spirit Collage; “This”- referring to this generation of boys, “Ahead” – referring to the future, and “along to succeeding generations” – referring to future generations beyond my children.

The story of the collage came together when I asked for guidance about each image and what it meant specifically for me.  First, my inner guidance asked me the question, “How does money affect you now?”  While I sat with that question, I kept seeing the movie Oliver, which bothered me greatly as a child.  I asked if there were some connection to this movie, and it was affirmed that I play an “Artful Dodger” role in another lifetime, where I am a runaway that steals in order to live, but have developed the idea that people with money are uncaring.  In this street orphan life, it makes me afraid of people with money, but then as I grow older, it makes me envious and hateful towards them.  Thankfully, I don’t have that in my current life, although there is a certain mystique around people who enjoy financial wealth.

It also helps me understand why I have a fear that money will be taken from me, too.  As a street runaway who steals in order to live, the relationship between what comes in and how it is expended is very close.  If I steal an apple to eat, but another takes it from me, I feel that loss intently as an empty stomach.  With no food stores as back up, fear of being robbed would be a moment-to-moment distraction.  Now I begin to understand the acute feelings of lack that I have dealt with in this life!

In terms of the larger picture, this Spirit Collage also spoke to me about the world economic situation.  My guidance told me that my children’s’ generation will be the first since the system of currency was created to live in a world without money.  I was told that my generation (I’m 46) will not see this day, but that it is for our youngers to learn from our missteps as we covet money and so often do things that don’t serve us in order to get it.  I know they are watching us very intently as we struggle in this world to understand how to live the lives we desire without harming others or the earth, and to make certain that everyone is taken care of.

I’m so grateful for the insight, both about what’s coming for the next generation and about the factors involved in my own relationship with money.  Since I must live with money in my life, I need to clean up where I am not in integrity in that relationship.  This is a grand opportunity for me to heal something very specific to my own energetic habits.  Now that I have the information through the Spirit Collage, I can do the work through my healing practice, and I can feel my pathway clearing to a healthy relationship with money right now!

By the way, I am having a half-price sale on Spirit Collages this month!  Learn more about it and order yours here!