Welcome to Week Three of the month-long Carnival of Creative Mothers to celebrate the launch of The Rainbow Way: Cultivating Creativity in the Midst of Motherhood Lucy H. Pearce.
Today’s topic is Creative Inheritance. Do read to the end of this post for a full list of carnival participants.
Readers of my website and blog know that I’ve been on a long journey of recovery from sexual abuse at the hands of men as well as from physical, emotional and mental abuses by my mother. For 25 years I have worked hard and diligently to re-member myself, sewing the pieces together that had been ripped asunder, and realizing that I am a good person. My process started with mental work to understand my history, proceeded into spiritual awareness to provide a bigger perspective, then came back down into my body as physical reclamation of the joy of being a woman. I wouldn’t change anything about this miraculous journey back to myself!
The most amazing realization to date is that the experience of my mother, the more damaging parent in terms of attack on my well-being, is actually the greatest gift of my life. This is because her mothering drove me into the embrace and awareness of the Sacred Feminine. An un-mothered daughter herself, her inner masculine became a dominant force -aggressive, critical, and predatory. The absence of the Sacred Feminine in my upbringing created a powerful thirst in me to find Her.
I have been working closely with the Sacred Feminine for several years now. The energy of the Sacred Feminine is the most wonderful balm to my spirit, and lives in a very real, embodied way in my daily life. In fact, the embodiment of Her is what opened the invitation to mature my inner masculine. This year I was aware of these two dynamics collapsing into one another in union within me; it was a lived experience of bliss and homecoming that made my heart sing and my body pulsate with alive-ness. I’ve been experiencing full-body orgasms this year, and I understand now that this has been a direct upshot of the joining of my inner feminine with my inner masculine, becoming Divine as they circled one another and merged.
Oh the delights of the body as expressed through the Sacred Feminine! Having been more masculine-oriented in my life, the soaking of my arid inner landscape with the nourishing waters of the feminine invites the desert in my belly to flourish into a prolific garden. The belly holds the keys to the flow of abundance, creativity, playfulness, money ease, and sexuality…as I’ve come into union, my belly has come online as a potent ally in my success and joy in this life! What’s not to love?!
My observation and experience tell me that lots of us have been operating in our lives from an immature masculine place, unpartnered with the feminine, and the women in my circle of awareness are hungry for something deeper inside of their well of wisdom. The belly is a location of mysterious power, power that gives us total joy and effectiveness in the world as well as the power to create. The masculine is one part of the equation and deserves respect, but the feminine demands it, and calls us from a deep place in our psyche as well as in our body. I LOVE my life because I AM life!
The balance of the feminine and masculine within us creates such an alchemy as to transform our lives into utter magic; I wish this for everyone, not just women. The men have been damaged by the absence of the Sacred Feminine, too, and deserve the wholeness and bliss that comes from inner union. Our world seems ripe for love, balance, and people who are spilling over with the joy of fulfilled lives!
To your Joy and Juiciness!
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Carnival host and author of The Rainbow Way, Lucy at Dreaming Aloud celebrates her creative fairy godmothers, and gives thanks for the creative blessings that each has gifted her.
In ‘From Trash To Treasure: Christmas Decoration’ Laura from Authentic Parenting shares fond memories crafting with her mom and a little
project her mom did recently. - Lucy Pierce from Soulskin Musings celebrates the rich creative inheritance of her mother’s poetic soul and artful ways.
Is thinking differently a curse or a gift? Zoie at TouchstoneZ susses out whether her family legacy might hinder or encourage creativity.
- Pippa at Story of Mum says she is: “Thanking my mum for the gift of dance. I am not a dancer, but her love for dance showed me how to connect to my creative core.”
- Dawn Collins at TheBarefootHome Dawn thinks we’re all born with a creative inheritance from the mother we all share…Mother Nature.
- Licia Berry at Illumined Arts reflects on the creative inheritance passed on by our ancestral lineage, discovered through sexuality and the Sacred Feminine within, and her own amazing recovery from sexual abuse.
- Alex at The Art of Birth explores the nature of creativity.
- Handcrafts are prayers, that’s what Corina from PatchScrap learned from grandmother.
- Jennifer at Let Your Soul Shine retraces her creative inheritance from her childhood and all the way back to the 19th Century.
- Whitney Freya at Creatively Fit is inspired by the sacred spark within each of us, a spark that transcends time and is infinitely creative.
- Kirstin at Listening to the Squeak says “I have always known my creative inheritance and it is so very important for my children to know theirs.”
- Creative Inheritance is a Beautiful Thing, says Aimee at Creativeflutters and discusses where her creativity comes from and what influences in her family have helped her on her artistic journey.
- Georgie at Visual Toast shares her creative inheritance.
- Esther at Nurture Workshop expresses the gift of a creative mind and the doors that are waiting to be opened for those who are willing to explore.
- Denise at It Begins with a Verse looks back at her family’s creative inheritance.
- Lys at Stars and Spirals looks at the creative inheritance as described by the astrological chart, drawing on her personal journey into motherhood and reawakened creativity.
- Biromums wrote poems about their creative inheritance.
- Kae at The Wilde Womb reflects on the various artists within her family and how it has shaped her identity and what impression she wishes to leave her own children.
- Marit’s Paper World shares her creative inheritance.
- Knitting blankets and the inner landscape–my mother’s life’s work, writes Nicki from Just Like Play.
- Something Sacred – Sadhbh at Where Wishes Come From writes about how the creativity of the women in her family has influenced her.
- Ali Baker is a creative mama to twin girls who reignited her creative energy and sense of who she used to be by just doing it and creating whatever needs to be created in an imperfect way.
- KatyStuff hopes inheritance is a long way off, but, when the day comes her woodworker father has already said he is comforted by knowing his work is in so many homes.
- Jasmine at Brown Eyed Girl realizes that the creativity she craves for so deeply may actually be something that runs deeper than just her imagination.
Thank you so much for taking part, Licia. I honour your deep healing journey. I have a Facebook group who I know will resonate strongly with your post and will be sharing it there right now.