At the edge of the cosmos there is a sign that says “for a good time call 1-800- EARTH.”  -Terry Musch

Earthlings are so entertaining.  We think we have it together, think we know stuff, think we are better than others…and then life comes along and reminds us that we are so very insignificant, and yet important enough to change.  Each of us is a spoke, see, and the Great Wheel can’t turn without us, so we are indeed vital to the workings of this mysterious omniverse.

You will find this post a little different; for awhile now I have been focusing on my scientific side, and exploring the engine of the universe from the left brain perspective of logic, practicality, and reason.  My mind is one that likes to know the answers but REALLY likes to ask the questions.  I enjoy testing theories, observing behavior, measuring outcomes and drawing conclusions.  I guess that makes me a lay-scientist.

But recently, my right brain has won the dominance challenge; the side of me that really gets the intuitive, abstract and connected nature of reality is stepping in and reminding me what the REAL TRUTH is.  The concept of truth is a little slippery; it shifts depending on your perception.  According to my left brain, what I can see, hear, touch, feel, taste and quantify are the truth.  But get into my right hemisphere, and I understand at a core level that everything is connected, that there is a greater meaning to our lives, and that I am part of a larger whole that is intelligent and loving.

It’s hard to surrender to this, though.  Our population tends to frown on the idea that we have access to this awareness; if you hear the voice of Greater Intelligence (by whatever name you choose to call it) and you share your joy or wonder about it, you might be labeled as a freak, a hippie, a blasphemer, a witch, a joke, or worse, insane.  It has become terribly unfashionable in some circles to be in touch with our holistic, connected, “spiritual” side.

Maybe I am hanging around the wrong people.  Folks that struggle to be loving, accepting, non-judgmental are not my ideal company, but I live in the south, and ideas that challenge the traditional God-fearing ethic are frequently shot at point-blank range.  Truly lovely people will turn on you in an instant  if you confess to believe something that doesn’t jive with their notion of how the world should be.  This came to light recently (again) for me when I organized the One Billion Rising/Tallahassee campaign, a global day of awareness of violence against women and positive action.  I noticed that when I shared the purpose of the event, I sometimes saw eyes glaze over, or lips purse.  Some pushed the event away angrily, not wanting to know.  Say what?

It’s hard for me when I see folks who don’t love one another.  My friends range from hispanic, black, white, indian, bisexual, gay, straight, gender questioning, blonde, brunette, ginger, grey-haired, activist, pacifist, atheist, christian  pagan, buddhist, woman, man, child, elder, youth, business owner, non-profit director, banker, manager, writer, artist, poet, student, psychologist, american, canadian, european, australian, asian, …the diverse list goes on.  So where do I fit in?  The place that I fit in is the place where love lives.

I have seen the most oppressed people turn on others and oppress.  I have seen the most reviled and hated turn around and hate.  I have seen the most preyed upon turn around and become a predator.  We have the power to be loving in the moment we stop the cycle of intolerance, hate, bigotry, judgment.  In fact, I say that IS love.

I’m not the first with this message.  There are plenty of others, some of whom are no longer on the earth, who spoke of loving our neighbor.  I guess we just need reminding sometimes.  Those of us willing to risk the ridicule or judgment from those who would rather not be on the Love Team may get hurt. But I would rather risk the disapproval of an intellectual who sneers at my “spiritual” side or a bigot who hates gays than turn my back on the single unifying force in this wacky place called earth.  Love is the glue, love is the balm, love is the TRUTH.

And the Great Wheel keeps on turning.