“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” -Mary Oliver

My years of exploring the darkness in my life have prepared me to face my biggest challenges and my worst fears, and it is making me a better person, one who is more able to truly serve in the world. Not from a place of removed absence, which is so tempting (how many times have I wrung my hands and wished I were a monk on a hilltop in Tibet?)

No, from a place of diving into the messy, crazy, wildness of life…choosing to be in a committed relationship, having children, engaging with people, making mistakes, falling down and getting back up…entering the fray and being fully IN IT. Living my spirituality as grist for the mill, running it through the gears of my life rather than observing life from a telescopic vantage point and declaring myself “spiritual”. I say this to you…DIVE IN, come what may. There is nothing like actually living the life you’ve been given.



Pick up your copy of Soul Compost-Transforming Adversity into Spiritual Growth

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