“A woman cannot be passive and hold a microphone.”
This is the brilliant observation of women’s humorist, writer, speaker and professor of feminist theory, Gina Barreca. She advocates that women stop trying to fit into a world that wants 140 characters, and instead claim our birthright and humor as storytellers.
Being one of the s-l-o-w people myself, I have been frustrated by my inability to tell you what I do in 30 seconds or less, or tell a joke without a nice long buildup of story (to give it context, you know?)
The world wants it faster, moving at light speed…but the body doesn’t move that fast, and women are more in their bodies. And in the body lies our earthly power.
Women are built differently, and we keep trying to fit into the world rather than BE WHO WE ARE and find what fits US. It is time to reclaim our bodies and our power! AND to TELL OTHERS WE ARE DOING IT.
My 2012 book, SOUL COMPOST, is my tale of reclaiming my power and healing from the trauma of a patriarchal culture that dominates women’s bodies, minds and spirits. It is a feminist Shero’s tale of accessing the inner worlds in my body and subconscious, which held the keys to my healing and claiming my rightful place in the world. It is a story that tells the truth, but with so much love, yet pulls no punches. I am telling my story. Is it time to tell yours?