WOW, it is an incredible time to set intentions! Riding on the Spring Equinox energy (here in the northern hemisphere) and the upcoming Aries New Moon, we are already poised for a burst forward into new beginnings.
But in addition to that, we enter a 10-day Portal String starting March 25-April 3, 2014!
According to the natural time calendar of the Mayans, based on the 13 moon cycle of the year, Portal Days occur at geometric junctures of the calendar. Usually 1 or 2 days at a time, the 10-day Portal String is a tremendous opportunity. Portal Days are days in which there seems to be less “friction” in the way between our physical reality and the vast, unseen potential of the universe. Portal Days are a powerful opening for change to occur, and are ideal for setting intentions.
I’ve had a lot of practice setting intentions that manifest.
A year ago today, I called on everything I knew…from my 25- year career in whole-brain integration techniques to my 48 years in energy training…to bring my oldest son back from a severe traumatic brain injury that required emergency brain surgery to save his life. My years of practice with intention setting came in handy in a BIG way as I accessed all of the Powers That Be to bring the greatest possibility of a full recovery to him.
DO you know how to set powerful intentions that are HEARD and activated? Do you know how to access your Helping Team and inner guidance so you know the intentions you are setting are aligned in your original design (and therefore destined to succeed?)
PEMS 3- The Power of Intention – Partnering with Your Co-Creative Inner Tribe ™ (4 sessions)
PEMS 3 takes you to the next logical step….after you learn how to manage your energy (PEMS 1) and are introduced to your Helping Team (PEMS 2), then it is time to put it into ACTION to create your most fulfilled life experience! DO you wonder:
- How can I steer this ship of my life? Why does it feel like I am sometimes drifting with the tide?
- Why do intentions work?
- How do I know which intentions to set?
- Why do some of my intentions work and some don’t?
- Why does it seem like something is stopping me?
- How do I stop sabotaging myself?
- How can I feel the support of the universe?
- How do I harness my true creative power?
- Introduction to your Inner Tribe ™
- How to work with all of your parts in alignment so that you are moving forward in concert
- How to discern when an intention is in agreement with your greatest good
- How to ask for the help of All Creation to support you in your intention for miraculous manifestation
- How to attain one of the most basic (yet most elusive) building blocks of a successful life…Agreement
- How to deal with resistance, the opposite of Agreement
- Experiential practice with your intentions and trouble-shooting from a veteran teacher and energy expert
PEMS 3 includes:
LIVE TELECLASS STARTS Sunday, MARCH 30 at 12 Noon eastern and meets for 4 weeks! $110 includes live teleclasses, recorded sessions, handouts and participation in a secret Facebook group to hone your skills. JOIN ME!