Judy Schneider, Equine Therapist with Guapito
I’m SUPER EXCITED to share my New Mexico colleague Judy Schneider with you all (and my Frontier Inside Retreat attendees!) I’ll be interviewing her today on my radio show to learn how her work with horses empowers women in transition. (hey…aren’t we ALL in transition?)
LISTEN HERE! Live today at 5pm Eastern!
Judy helps women in transition create the next chapter in their lives, specializing in offering women an opportunity to discover how life cycle changes can lead to personal empowerment and emotional clarity. A life long student of the horse, Judy is a therapist, licensed clinical social worker, certified Equine Gestalt Coach and author. Over the years, she has come to understand the horse’s ability to tune into a person’s emotional state; and recognize how their nature makes them gifted healers.
Judy will be a featured speaker at The Frontier Inside retreat Oct. 24-26 in Tucson AZ, and TODAY IS THE LAST DAY FOR EARLY BIRD of just $199 for the whole weekend! If you can’t make it, I’ve got you covered with The Frontier Inside teleclass!