It’s Winter in the Northern Hemisphere…


Dear Fellow Travelers,May this Solstice Greeting find you well!  Today is the day of the longest night in the northern hemisphere of our sweet planet, inviting us to curl up next to the fire and contemplate the coming return of the light.  As a gardener, this is the time I browse the seed catalogs and dream a new garden into being.

We need the dark of this time to harvest the potent power of the void, the womb, the quiet stillness of this moment.  As we move through the cycles of our lives, we see the benefit of allowing the time of darkness to nurture the seeds of future blessings.

Indeed, as we say goodbye to this last year, we may be very glad to say, “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” due to its intensity; we may even want to wash our hands of 2014.  But is friction that causes things to harden (in the sense of the word used by gardeners to describe a plant that toughens up in order to productively thrive.)

We always have the opportunity to allow the friction of life to make us “more productive” in that we can use our trials to rub up against our outdated notions and shed them, revealing the softer, tenderer soul underneath.  And don’t we need more soft and tender souls being returned to us as a people?

As we celebrate this quiet turning of the year, let us also celebrate the return of the light within each of us.

Many blessings,


I’m evolving and refining my work in the world!  Exciting classes and e-courses, a gorgeous new website, and a more profound commitment to bringing light into the world are in the making.  Join me in birthing a new Earth as your most REAL and authentic self YET.

Hearth fire