Logo for 1 Billion Rising RevolutionLicia is an established advocate for women, young children, and men who love and support women; the LGBTQ community, the earth, restorative justice, native american, and other indigenous people to name a few.  Her efforts to make the world a safe place for ALL people began with her work to heal her own life from violence encountered throughout her child and young adulthood.  From a place of healed leadership, Licia has been able to affect change and serve the world through her writing, teaching, speaking, consulting and organizing expertise.

Licia’s advocacy work includes leading women’s circles and retreats, working with organizations that support women and girls through mentoring and education, and teaching for Peace Jam, an organization that puts young people into close contact with Nobel Peace Prize winners.

Licia organized the Tallahassee One Billion Rising event in 2013, a four day love-fest to raise awareness and demand an end to violence against women.


Awareness campaign demands an end to violence against women, Tallahassee Democrat – Guest column by Licia Berry

Perspectives: Violence Against Women

From left: Sarah Sturges, Tom Flanigan, Licia Berry

Perspectives: Violence Against Women; WFSU NPR, Interview with Licia Berry and Oasis Center for Women and Girls Counselor Sarah Sturges
Listen below…

Tallahassee One Billion Rising event

Kleman Plaza turned into Tallahassee’s central location for the One Billion Rising Valentine’s Day event

Kleman Plaza Midday Dance for Women, WCTV