I’ve been working with my inner masculine for several years (yes, we all have an inner masculine and inner feminine, regardless of our gender).  It was my natural starting place to begin with the feminine, since I’m female.  But it’s my inner masculine that really needs the healing.

Like many of us, I’ve operated in a kind of void in terms of what enlightened or mature or healed masculine energy looks like.  I moved through the world with an unhealed masculine, and found it unsatisfying in terms of my ability to set (and hold) boundaries, to act on my will, to manifest what my inner feminine urged me to do, to express my essential nature, to create what I envisioned in my highest potential, and to stand in my power.  It has been quite a journey as I’ve healed my inner masculine and watched these abilities come online!

The collage above I made to give my inner masculine a face, a strong archetype to aspire to as I moved through the healing process.  This image has helped me see my inner masculine essence as pure, divinely motivated, and beautiful.  He moves in devotion to the inner feminine’s suggestions, because she is motivated by her concern for All Life and her desire to serve.  He is her soldier.  He loves his mistress, and listens to her wise counsel.  And I am completely in love with him.

As I have continued to heal my inner masculine, he gets closer and closer to this ideal masculine.  My unhealed masculine was a scary dude; he lurked in shadow, so I couldn’t see him clearly, but I could feel his broken-ness.  It was a few years back that a disempowered and angry little boy emerged from the shadows, revealing my inner masculine to me in a moment of grace and surrender.  Ah, now the healing could truly begin.  See that post here.  (Also, browse my tag “Divine Masculine” to track my journey.)

And now?  This honey, this blonde hottie that is my own Divine Masculine, is more and more how I’m showing up in the world.  My business is going in amazing directions, my art is being asked for, my writing is being requested, my creative output is increased, my work is expanding into areas I never imagined, and I’m owning my leadership qualities.  I’m becoming the me that I would have been had I enjoyed a healed masculine role model.  I am amazed at the joy that is inherent in a healed inner masculine.  This guy is FUN.

As I continue to claim this Divine Masculine in me, I can only imagine the great things he will do in partnership with the Sacred Feminine in me.  Look out world, here we come!