Licia’s Blog

Subterranean Waters

I was prompted in my inner guidance time this morning to write about the immense amount of subconscious process that I am going through.  I asked, “What about it, any particular theme?”  I was told, “Just tell people that it’s happening.” Well, okay….I am now going to...


Do you ever get the sense something big is about to happen?  Sort of a building of energy feeling, like gears are turning...but not turning just to turn....turning because it will lead to something. I have had this feeling today that is similar to the way I felt...

The Meaning of Life

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." -Albert Camus   Why am I always asking the question “Why?”   I have done that since I was very young, apparently.  The...

The Process of Becoming Human

The Process of Becoming Human

    For someone who is known for her “spiritual” work, I sure have spent a lot of time preaching to folks about embracing their humanity.  “Divine Human” is a phrase I have used many times over the years that I have been privileged to assist others in experiencing...

Racism and Projection

  I had a conversation recently on FaceBook that was prompted by Former President Jimmy Carter's statement that the root of much of the violent opposition and derision towards President Obama is based in racism.  It was a risky thing to talk about, surely, in that it...

Astonishing Happiness-the Real Me

  I’m undergoing a change of epic proportions…I’m happy.   After many years of not knowing who I was, and therefore looking outside of myself to get the answer to that question…..leading to choosing to be in community with others that were not a great match for me, I...