Happy Birthday to “I Am Her Daughter”

My well-worn reading copies from my 2 year book/speaking tour, now at its end. 

3 years ago next week, I made a brave (crazy) choice to independently publish my 400 page memoir, my journey from motherless to deeply loved daughter. I was told several times by business “experts” that nobody would buy it, to break it up into smaller chunks, to “lighten it up”…but my heart and soul told me to write and publish true to Her word. 

I had NO IDEA it would touch so many women, or become a #1 international bestseller, or create the means to provide for my family and travel full time on a 2 year book/speaking tour! 

And now the international launch of the#DaughtersOfEarth Women’s Leadership Institute, my incubator and global platform to support women coming into their own medicine! 

3 years later after making this bold statement in the world, I stand awed at what is available to us when we trust the quiet guidance that speaks gently to our soul, and how many await our unique brilliance. 


licia berry I am Her Daughter