Results from working with Licia Berry

Alisa LaPolt talks about the immense results she has experienced after working with Licia Berry, including financial abundance. She worked with Licia one-on-one, learning about herself and the limitations created in her life by generations of her family before her. Because of her work with Licia, she was able to break through these limitations and experience abundance and peace.
You can explore the possibilities for yourself of working with Licia. Try it for Free through her online courses. Each course is self-paced and you can access it at anytime. They are available now at…
Join your community of like-minded women who have learned from these courses and now have a more grounded, safe place of being.…
#DaughtersOfEarth #IAMHerDaughter #LeadingByBeing#VoicedAndVisible #ItsTime #Leadership #PurposeShip #LiciaBerry