by Licia Berry | Feb 6, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Dear Women! What a year it has been, and it’s only early February! Many of us have felt both the exhilaration of the new year energy and deep intensity as the purging and transformation of our consciousness continues. It’s only 10 days until my teleclass...
by Licia Berry | Jan 21, 2010 | Licia's Observations
first published on 12-4-06 on I had an interaction last night that was such a blessing to me; I went to a cookie exchange party here in the valley and got into a conversation with a woman that was simultaneously sad and affirming for me, causing me...
by Licia Berry | Mar 24, 2009 | Berry Family Gazette, Licia's Observations
To Carry-to take, to bear, to hold, to bring, to lug, to transmit, to transport, to convey, to transfer, to move, to pass on, to conduct, to relay, to contain, to include, to involve, to store, to supply, to keep (from the English Thesaurus) As a result of my injury,...
by Licia Berry | Nov 23, 2008 | Licia's Observations
I recently had the joy of reading an unedited 2004 interview with Barack Obama, just after he had won the democratic nomination for senator of Illinois. In the interview, he was asked very specific questions about his religious beliefs; I found it refreshing and...