by Licia Berry | Mar 15, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Continued from March 14th post So how do we joyfully surrender to loving ourselves unconditionally? The quickest path to self love that I know is to decide it. What I mean by that is to...
by Licia Berry | Mar 14, 2010 | Licia's Observations
originally published in January 2007 at “I don’t like myself, I’m CRAZY about myself!” -Mae West, 1892-1980 I wonder what the world would be like if we all felt this way? If we could all say genuinely, without reservation, “I am crazy about...
by Licia Berry | Mar 9, 2010 | Licia's Observations
pricking the crusty scab over the wound in my heart…letting it bleed I must…there is no alternative if I want to be an alive, pliable, feeling human being a moment’s courage to stick the needle of my consciousness in please, hold my hand, Greater Self and it’s...
by Licia Berry | Mar 8, 2010 | Licia's Observations
A journal entry from 10-30-09 The little boy I picked up in the labyrinth ( is beginning to stir now…he has more life in him, whereas he did not seem to inhabit his body very much before. I feel he is a...
by Licia Berry | Mar 7, 2010 | Licia's Observations
So much work I have done to awaken the Sacred Feminine within me. So much attention have I given to embodying Her, to BEING Her in this world that has been so out of kilter for thousands of years. And that has all been right because it has brought me home to a large...