“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” -Unknown For someone who has experienced her share of tragedy in her life, I have a ridiculously optimistic...
DAY 28 after Jess’ Traumatic Brain Injury My family is not meant to live a “normal” life. From the moment Peter and I came together, it was clear that there was a larger purpose in our union. Our second date was a week on the Outer Banks,...
4/19/13, DAY 26 – PATIENCE. Patience is something that I’ve always had a slight deficiency of, and now is the time to learn more about it. While 99% of me is still surprised that I’ve recovered as much as I have as quickly as I have, there’s that one percent that is...
Jess and Licia talk about his recovery from his traumatic brain injury and emergency brain surgery 3 weeks after the event. Important links: Jess story starting at Day 1 “A New Definition of Allowing” Jess’ Medical Expense Fundraiser created by a...
Jess Berry, written on April 8, 2013, DAY 15 after traumatic brain injury and emergency brain surgery The more time that passes since my surgery, the more details I can remember about what I like to call, “The twilight zone,” or the first two or three days post-op...