by Licia Berry | Apr 3, 2013 | Licia's Observations
Day 9 – April 2, 2013 So, it is day 9 since Jess’s traumatic brain injury and brain surgery, and he is being discharged from the inpatient rehab hospital into outpatient rehab and my care. It is ridiculous, miraculous, unheard of. The medical staff has never...
by Licia Berry | Apr 1, 2013 | Licia's Observations
Whatever the soul knows how to seek, it cannot fail to obtain. Margaret Fuller Day 8 – April 1, 2013 Today is the 8th day after Jess’s accident and surgery. I’m not a numerologist, although I am fascinated by the language of numbers. Each number has a...
by Licia Berry | Mar 31, 2013 | Licia's Observations
Day 7 – Sunday, March 31, 2013 Yesterday put me over the edge. The entire week of stress and spikes of worry along with little sleep or food and no exercise to diffuse the stresswere enough, but this latest crisis and emergency routine were the proverbial straw...
by Licia Berry | Mar 31, 2013 | Licia's Observations
Day 6 – Saturday, March 30, 2013 Jess started his first day of therapy today. We started with occupational therapy (also abbreviated as OT), which is “the use of treatments to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of patients with a...
by Licia Berry | Mar 29, 2013 | Licia's Observations
Day 5 – March 29, 2013 Peter came to relieve me at 6:00 am after a night shift; Jess slept a bit, but I couldn’t rest because every time he shifted mama bear wanted to make sure he was safe. I left to get some much needed sleep and collapsed until I awoke at...