by Licia Berry | Jul 17, 2016 | Juicy Sacred Living, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” -Anaïs Nin I’ve...
by Licia Berry | May 2, 2016 | Athena's Library, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
I have heard other writers talk about their books as their babies and I thought I understood what they meant. A book is something that is carried deep inside, waiting to make its appearance in the world. It is made by you, connected to you and yet, somehow more than...
by Licia Berry | Apr 25, 2013 | Licia's Observations
April 24, 2013 – Day 31 Choices…and the Roads We Travel Physical/cognitive update: Now that Jess seems to be medically more stable, we can push the boundaries a little bit at a time. He writes every morning in addition to other cognitive activities, does...
by Licia Berry | Apr 8, 2013 | Licia's Observations
Day 14 – Sunday, April 07, 2013 It has been two weeks since our lives were altered by my son Jess’ accident, traumatic brain injury and emergency brain surgery. In case you missed the beginning of the story, you can start here, “A New Definition of Allowing.”...
by Licia Berry | Mar 4, 2013 | Licia's Observations
I have been writing and publishing online since 2001; in tandem with opening a practice in Asheville NC, I created a website called “Healing Alchemy” to describe my process of working with my inner guidance. This was after years of being an educator and...