by Licia Berry | Aug 24, 2011 | Licia's Observations
Embodied Spirituality 3…A genuine exploration on my part of whether there is such a thing as a mistake (I find that there IS), and how that fits into the spiritual scheme of things. I have found in my life that the defining moment is whether I KNEW BETTER and...
by Licia Berry | Aug 4, 2011 | Licia's Observations
“Embodied Spirituality 2-Follow the Magic”-the next in this video series, guest starring my very wise 14-year-old son, Aidan! We talk about our experiences as a family in practicing everyday Embodied Spirituality, and how to feel the flow of Spirit (and...
by Licia Berry | Jul 30, 2011 | Licia's Observations
What an extraordinary week it has been. As I’ve moved through my days this week, I have been guided to look with open eyes towards aspects of myself that I have not wanted to believe. My eyes were shielded by my reluctance to own parts of myself that did not fit...
by Licia Berry | Jul 29, 2011 | Licia's Observations
My latest video series deals with what I call “Embodied Spirituality.” Long an advocate for bringing “the spiritual” into our every day life, rather than reserved for a special day of the week; or talking about spirituality as if it lives out...
by Licia Berry | Jul 12, 2011 | Licia's Observations
Wise Ways 3-The Feminine, Unity Consciousness and Healing Here’s the 3rd installment of my Wise Ways video-blog series, where I speak about the feminine re-integration in the collective human psyche, the word “healing”, and the misconception of unity...