What a fabulous and interesting larger energy we are in!  As we zero in on the Equinox portal, I’ve been feeling is a deeper, more embodied invitation into the marriage of the feminine and masculine principles, something that I’ve personally and progressively experienced since the mid 1990’s.

We continue to transition into the Aquarian dynamic, and interesting things are unfolding as we let go of the old era of “power over”, especially within ourselves.

The universe moving into the Aquarian era is happening on a macro as well as micro scale; this means that we are changing internally just as the universe changes around us….yet another reminder that we are PART of the universe, not separate from it, one of the key proponents of my PEMS course. And the change is “POWER WITH”.

For me it has always been a conversation about bringing the feminine and masculine principles into partnership, on a micro and macro scale…which of course means amplifying the feminine since we have been out of balance for so long. Embodying the Feminine ways of knowing, which are encoded into our bodies, into our very atoms, is what I facilitate and teach. This, in turn, invites the inner masculine into partnership with the inner feminine

I’m seeing this in my life in watching my inner masculine rebelling against the partnership.  Accustomed to having his way and pushing through, these times require surrender to the greater knowing and connection of the feminine principle.  “Let go, come into alignment, she is waiting for you with her arms open wide,” I whisper to him.  He is listening.  Sometimes.

Other times, he is resistant.  I see him with his arms crossed, digging in his heels, jaw set, refusing to yield his separation, ignoring the invitation to dance with her. These are metaphors of course, but accurately describe the energy reality I am translating as I co-creatively and intentionally work with my personal energy.  These are true parts of us, parts that can be managed and directed by our larger knowing.  For me, I feel that what I do to create partnership within myself adds to the partnership in the world.  So I keep at it.

AND the more I bring my inner masculine into partnership with my inner feminine, the more miraculous my life becomes!  Ever deeper, ever more as I unlearn the layers of disbelief and interference that we are taught to keep us powerless.  Benefits lately include increase in physical health and energy level (including weight loss), letting go of toxic thoughts and old emotional baggage, increase in abundance at work (several new clients in the last few weeks!), greater satisfaction and joy in my daily walk in the world as synchronicities and joyful encounters abound.  In other words, I am more in the flow, more in alignment with the larger energy, more in tune with the universe’s motion towards partnership. It is FUN to dance in alignment with the music!

 This direction is my purpose and work in the world.   My husband and I have been working to embody the Aquarian dynamic of partnership of the feminine and masculine principles in our relationship as well as in our family for 27 years…and I have a private practice of helping individuals, relationships, families, groups and organizations to embody this partnership. We do this through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy practices. Our 7-year vision quest was about embodying the Aquarian dynamic in a family with children and raising a generation of men who embody that partnership with the feminine  As cultural creatives, we had to drop out of the current cultural dynamic first to see it, then to learn how to do things differently.    


Licia Berry

P.S. Licia Berry has been publishing ENERGY UPDATES on her website and e-zine since 2004, but has transitioned the ENERGY UPDATES to Facebook in 2013. Don’t miss an ENERGY UPDATE, visit our FB page