"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." -Albert Camus Why am I always asking the question “Why?” I have done that since I was very young, apparently. The...
Heaven on Earth-Relating to Spirit, Relating to Each Other
Quoted directly with permission from http://tothevillagesquare.org/blog In the book, Abraham by Bruce Feiler, he tells the story of an American who after winning fourteen thousand dollars on Wheel of Fortune, decided to come to Israel for a year. Fifteen years later...
The Process of Becoming Human
For someone who is known for her “spiritual” work, I sure have spent a lot of time preaching to folks about embracing their humanity. “Divine Human” is a phrase I have used many times over the years that I have been privileged to assist others in experiencing...
Racism and Projection
I had a conversation recently on FaceBook that was prompted by Former President Jimmy Carter's statement that the root of much of the violent opposition and derision towards President Obama is based in racism. It was a risky thing to talk about, surely, in that it...
Astonishing Happiness-the Real Me
I’m undergoing a change of epic proportions…I’m happy. After many years of not knowing who I was, and therefore looking outside of myself to get the answer to that question…..leading to choosing to be in community with others that were not a great match for me, I...
another glimpse into the future from the past-from my professional website
April 27, 2009 Tsunamis of Love “Feeling change in the air...the larger energy cycle shifted in mid-April, and I feel it continuing to open up. The balls that have been up in the air will all fall to the ground in May, and June will be the GO month...a month of...
Journal Entry at the Beginning of 2009…a glimpse into my future now
January 9, 2009 Notes as we are changing…. Peter comments this morning that he feels himself remembering what he has always known…that he is a part of the All That Is. I see him feeling and looking similar to when I first met him…soft, open, and connected. It is...
Given More Than We Can Handle
It started when I spoke up. I disagreed when they said the phrase “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle” is untrue. My reference point for this is my spiritual understanding, built over many years of inner work and conversations with higher...
The Best Definition of Crazy I Have Ever Written
I was asked yesterday about craziness, and whether I truly believe that about myself. I'd made a comment about feeling "crazy" after this immense move across the country we've just completed in combination with what appears to be some midlife rebirth as well as...
The Love Relationship as the Temple of Initiation
I have been ruminating on marriage and commitment to a Beloved Other recently since I celebrated my 23rd anniversary with my sweetie, Peter. I know there are many opinions about marriage as an “institution”, and I’m not here to argue with anyone or convince anyone...