by Licia Berry | Oct 10, 2010 | Licia's Observations
In the age-old story of humanity trying to understand itself in the context of larger Creation, we have come up with many ways to explain away our bodies and defile our desires and transcend our base animal nature. We can “rise above” our feelings and we...
by Licia Berry | Feb 28, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Who knows what is going on in the larger collective? Lots of folks claim to, but I tend to think that we each have a slice of the pie, rather than the whole pie….a peek at the global story through our own filters rather than a completely objective viewpoint. ...
by Licia Berry | Nov 24, 2009 | Licia's Observations
a story about searching for one’s lost tribe Wingapo Cheskchamay (“Welcome, All Friends” in Powhatan language) I share this excerpt from my book with you now because I have lately struck a chord in some of my posts….there are others besides me who do not feel...
by Licia Berry | Nov 22, 2009 | Licia's Observations
(Author’s note: It is interesting to me to see how my thoughts and writing style have evolved over years of time. I see that there is still some use to the writings below, so offer them for your perusal. Perhaps an updated version will follow!) The Gift of...
by Licia Berry | Sep 10, 2009 | Licia's Observations
January 9, 2009 Notes as we are changing…. Peter comments this morning that he feels himself remembering what he has always known…that he is a part of the All That Is. I see him feeling and looking similar to when I first met him…soft, open, and connected. It is...