by Licia Berry | Dec 29, 2010 | Licia's Observations
I’m currently experiencing the release of old body memory. I’ve gone through phases of this at different times in my life since I began recovery work from childhood sexual violence at age 23. Each time this happens, I am more awestruck by the healing process and the...
by Licia Berry | Dec 16, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Have you ever noticed that when you are having a hard day and you are able to tell someone about your feelings without being judged, criticized or fixed, that you realize you feel soooooo much better? This is something I have been working with these last few years. A...
by Licia Berry | Dec 9, 2010 | Licia's Observations
I’ve received some interesting responses to my last post, mostly in private. Seems I’ve hit a nerve in initiating a conversation about healing wounds of the heart. I sometimes think of trust as a fabric, our original design, a picture of innocence, beauty and...
by Licia Berry | Dec 1, 2010 | Licia's Observations
(or One Traveler, One Road) A confession: in the spring of 2008, I began to split from my life. After years of fighting for my own wellness, my marriage and my family’s togetherness, I finally got tired and unhappy enough that I seriously wondered if it was time to...
by Licia Berry | Nov 30, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Just the other day I met with my new local marketing maven, Deanna Mims of MarketDone ( and SHE IS FABULOUS). We were talking about how it is hard for some folks to get me. She said, “You have a big energy”. I have heard this many...