by Licia Berry | Jan 7, 2010 | Athena's Library, I AM Her Daughter, Licia's Observations, The Frontier Inside
I’m not a scholar on Christian holy days; I observe spiritual traditions that make sense to me, that have personal meaning to me. Until yesterday, Epiphany flew by unnoticed. The 12th day of Christmas, Epiphany is the oldest of the Christmas festivals and originally...
by Licia Berry | Nov 24, 2009 | Licia's Observations
a story about searching for one’s lost tribe Wingapo Cheskchamay (“Welcome, All Friends” in Powhatan language) I share this excerpt from my book with you now because I have lately struck a chord in some of my posts….there are others besides me who do not feel...
by Licia Berry | Oct 31, 2009 | Licia's Observations
I was prompted in my inner guidance time this morning to write about the immense amount of subconscious process that I am going through. I asked, “What about it, any particular theme?” I was told, “Just tell people that it’s happening.” Well, okay….I am now going to...
by Licia Berry | Jul 25, 2009 | Licia's Observations
Having come through 2 of the hardest and most growthful years that I can remember, I am seeing things 20/20, of course. All of the cycles we have been through are making sense. Here at the wrap-up of the end of 3 seven-year cycles, a shorter 11 year cycle, and...
by Licia Berry | Jul 25, 2009 | Licia's Observations
I have had the delight recently of being reminded of my connection to the All That Is through the visitations of several of the two and four legged family. (Wow, when was the last time I said I was DELIGHTED about something? It has been a long time!) These...