by Licia Berry | Oct 18, 2008 | Berry Family Gazette
We have officially left Texas, ya’ll! When we arrived down in the Corpus Christi area to fetch the RV on October 5th, it was a balmy 90 degrees and the soft, moist air billowed our sails after a LONG drive down from Colorado. After waking up to 30 degree...
by Licia Berry | Oct 10, 2008 | Licia's Observations
It seems that if something is moving, alive, and on a journey of any kind, then it will meet with obstacles, unfriendly winds, dangerous weather, or sudden and unforeseen changes that cause a slight (or major) shift from the originally intended direction. I am of...
by Licia Berry | Oct 7, 2008 | Berry Family Gazette
The Wanderin’ Berrys, Chapter Two Greetings! Those of you who have followed our story since we left our “normal” lives in Asheville, NC in 2003 know that we took an epic several-years journey in order to re-grow the connections in our family; it...