Unapologetically Me

Unapologetically Me

My journey to be myself has been a long one, and it ain’t over yet. Growing up in the south in the sixties and seventies was a trip for this curious, spiritual-but-not-religious little girl.  I had regular, direct experience of my connection to the All That Is,...
Healing Through Horses

Healing Through Horses

I’m SUPER EXCITED to share my New Mexico colleague Judy Schneider with you all (and my Frontier Inside Retreat attendees!) I’ll be interviewing her today on my radio show to learn how her work with horses empowers women in transition....
A Woman with Something to Say

A Woman with Something to Say

Licia reading from SOUL COMPOST at the Capitol on International Womens Day 2013 I’m always happy to be invited to speak up and share my voice with others.  I believe this is good for us as women…to invite one another to share our hearts in a community of...