originally published on www.liciaberry.com 5-22-07 Self Love and Self Worth-The Joy of Forgetting and Remembering My personal healing process of late seems to be taking me to the old wound of being unloving towards myself and feeling unworthy. I am asked with some...
Divinity is NOW, Divinity is ALL of it
I wonder when we will trust our bodies again? I studied under a “spiritual teacher” for several years that used the language “the highest good”. Her answer to difficult things happening in the world was to “pray for the highest good”. Her answer to when we had...
Reclaiming the Word “Witch”
Like so many GOOD things that have been twisted, misinterpreted, and manipulated, the conclusion that I am coming to about the word “WITCH” is that it needs to be shed of its nasty connotations (at least in my own mind), and that the word needs to be reclaimed. In the...
What is a “Witch” Part 2-Deep Feelings
My last post has struck a nerve for some of you, and I’m glad to know I’m far from alone in critically examining this word “witch” and trying to understand what it means in an original sense, rather than a pop culture, commercial, colonial, Christian or patriarchal...
What is a “Witch”?
...cause I've been called one! Seriously! The town we used to live in, small as it was, had several churches. There is a meeting of the spiritual leaders of those churches called the Pastoral Alliance. And, as it goes in small towns, there is not a lot to talk...
Epiphanies on Epiphany
I’m not a scholar on Christian holy days; I observe spiritual traditions that make sense to me, that have personal meaning to me. Until yesterday, Epiphany flew by unnoticed. The 12th day of Christmas, Epiphany is the oldest of the Christmas festivals and originally...
A Response to Avatar, the Oldest Story in the World
I saw the movie that is taking the world by storm the other night, and it has taken me several days to have some words to be able to describe my experience. First let me say that I am not so much a popular movie buff. I do like some movies that happen to have fallen...
Eleven Life Lessons (or 2009, the Year that Kicked My Butt)
As I’ve said in the previous entry, every new cycle is an opportunity to look back and celebrate how far we’ve come. I don’t like the idea of beating ourselves up because we didn’t accomplish certain things (although I am guilty of doing that with some frequency). ...
2010…Begin Again
Christmas is done, and I have this urge to take down all of the decorations and put the tree out for recycling. I am interested in how many people I have heard express the same sentiment. I am ready to move forward with my life! 2009 has been a banner year for hard...
Thoughts on Christmas 2009
I have a few precious moments of serenity as the boys have run down to the neighborhood park for a football game, and my sweet husband has retired to the haven of our bed for a much needed nap. It is Christmas, again, and we were up late last night wrapping presents...