My internal voices (including The Critic) have been putting their opinions in for my consideration regarding my pilgrimage in Europe this summer; I've been hearing "You're so selfish" most recently as an argument for cancelling the whole idea. I know from years of...
Shoring (or, How Identity Props Us Up)
The Invisible Path of my Pilgrimage 2016 is coming into vague view, in glimpses, through the fog. I am beginning to see the first steps of the journey. I am also beginning to see some points along the route. You might ask, "What is she talking about? Why doesn't she...
The Invisible Path
I'm going into the Unknown, releasing the "motherhood" part of my life. Who am I becoming? I can only learn who I am becoming by walking forward onto the invisible path before me. Magically, the next step appears as I step out with my foot...with the fervent hope...
The Spirit of Initiation
A woman’s transition from mother, life partner and/or public servant is one of life’s great journeys, and is a powerful time for her soul. A threshold into who she is becoming, she can travel it with grace and wisdom; who she is for the rest of her life depends...
Joy after Sexual Violence -It’s in the Hips
One of my areas of expertise is assisting women survivors of sexual violence to reclaim their true power. I support this through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual processes to mend what's been torn and facilitate the weaving of the whole being. It is very...
The Body of a Woman
I shared a post on my Facebook page yesterday about a woman (a celebrity) who claims to have been sexually abused as a child. She says that she was “with” a 26-year old man when she was 14 years of age, and "wanted the relationship” at the time, but now realizes she...
You feel the Big Energy right now, right? It's the BIG WAVE that we've all been preparing for! In my private client work, I have the privilege of assisting women all over the world to RIDE this wave to their self-actualization! But you don't have to be my private...
Tribute to A Fallen Sister
Shamanism is a way of talking about old medicine; medicine as old as our hearts. I recently learned that a woman who attended one of my classes (we became friendly) died in suicidal circumstances. Substance abuse played a role in her life, as well as through her life...
Sanctuary in Great Mother
...for Mother’s Day... Each of us comes from a mother. Each of us has the experience within us of being a child, an innocent and vulnerable babe whose utter survival depends on the one who brought us into the world. What happens after the moment we emerge from the...
“V” is for VOICE
As a professional that regularly utilizes (and relies heavily) on my intuition, it is not unusual for me to receive information that is pertinent to my inner process as well as the larger collective of humanity. I was doing some inner work the other day, sitting...