by Licia Berry | Sep 4, 2010 | Licia's Observations
By Licia Berry, originally published in 2007 on We have reached the season of spectacular change! The hottest days are past and each is shorter than the last. Groves on mountains take on brilliant colors. The state fair is over and school is in...
by Licia Berry | Aug 23, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Last night in my bed time ritual of connecting very consciously with my angels and helpers to ask for suggestions and guidance, I was happily surprised to find Great Father, an aspect of the Divine Masculine, wishing to speak with me. His voice is very clear and...
by Licia Berry | Aug 7, 2010 | Licia's Observations
I asked my good friend and artist Amy Paloranta if I might post her wonderful piece, “Archangel Gabriel”, because it illustrates so well what I am feeling right now. I posted a discussion on FaceBook about how I feel as though I am “falling...
by Licia Berry | Jul 27, 2010 | Licia's Observations
The most recent translation of my Midlife Collage will examine the latest elements that I was guided to add. They bring some interesting medicine! parsley – I utilize plant medicine as part of my energy work, so seeing parsley was a cue to me to ask parsley for...
by Licia Berry | Jul 26, 2010 | Licia's Observations
The continuing story of my Midlife Collage! After the initial 4 elements were in place, some months later I was guided to place the above image and wording on the back of the collage. What does this mean? First of all, for just one lovely image (it is artwork from the...