

Holding Oneness and the Parts; the Balance of the Universe at Work The see-sawing of opinions on either end of a far-ranging spectrum of late has me thinking.  Since the nature of this universe is balance, the further away we are from one another on the scale the more...
Healing the Inner Masculine

Healing the Inner Masculine

My journey thus far of embodying the Sacred Feminine has led me to a powerful conclusion; She has to come to balance first in order to draw the masculine to partnership (and therefore balance).  Balance is predicated on their proximity to one another, and if you think...
The Heart of the Collective

The Heart of the Collective

“Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow.” Norman Vincent Peale It’s no big secret that the heart is important…if we want to love, want to connect, want truer answers, we have all heard they lie in the heart.  We’ve...
Praise the Friction

Praise the Friction

In the age-old story of humanity trying to understand itself in the context of larger Creation, we have come up with many ways to explain away our bodies and defile our desires and transcend our base animal nature.  We can “rise above” our feelings and we...