by Licia Berry | Jul 26, 2010 | Licia's Observations
The continuing story of my Midlife Collage! After the initial 4 elements were in place, some months later I was guided to place the above image and wording on the back of the collage. What does this mean? First of all, for just one lovely image (it is artwork from the...
by Licia Berry | Jul 15, 2010 | Licia's Observations
My Journey through the July 11th New Moon and Eclipse A window into my process: I share this as a kind of map, for those who are traveling the inner road and may not have language yet for what they experience…I do this to let you know you are not alone. Sunday,...
by Licia Berry | Jun 28, 2010 | Licia's Observations
I have been invited recently to come pick blueberries on a fellow’s farm in south Georgia; he planted several hundred blueberry bushes several years ago, intending to create a retirement business for himself. For whatever reason, he instead invites folks to come help...
by Licia Berry | Apr 12, 2010 | Licia's Observations
This morning I’m recovering from a VERY busy week and weekend; I secured an art studio, made collages and started painting again, attended a screenwriting conference, worked as a facilitator for clients, prepared for and taught a breakout session at a...
by Licia Berry | Mar 17, 2010 | Licia's Observations
Along the lines of self love and ceasing the habit of judging ourselves, I love what Joseph Bruchac writes in his wonderful book, Our Stories Remember. He speaks of a conversation with a friend who asks him if he is carrying around any guilt. When Joe answered no, he...