It’s coming up on Mother’s Day and for so many people, it’s a time to celebrate being WITH. Being with family, especially with mothers or daughters is a big part of this holiday. Flowers and gifts are exchanged and the deep nurturing and heart connection between a...
One of my areas of expertise is assisting women survivors of sexual violence to reclaim their true power. I support this through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual processes to mend what’s been torn and facilitate the weaving of the whole being. It is...
Shamanism is a way of talking about old medicine; medicine as old as our hearts. I recently learned that a woman who attended one of my classes (we became friendly) died in suicidal circumstances. Substance abuse played a role in her life, as well as through her life...
I had an interesting experience this morning as I was preparing to write for my latest book, I Am My Own Daughter (publishing this year) about self-mentorship. My morning ritual is to meditate before writing in order to face any obstacles that might come up and clear...
Because neuroscience has shown us that from birth our experiences wire us to react a certain way to our interpersonal interactions, we find ourselves saying “that’s just the way I am”. Have you ever had someone tell you, “You’ll have to accept me for the way I am....