I’m Going to Tell You a Story….

I’m Going to Tell You a Story….

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.”  -Unknown For someone who has experienced her share of tragedy in her life, I have a ridiculously optimistic...
The 5 Stages of Healing from Trauma

The 5 Stages of Healing from Trauma

“The 5 Stages of Healing from Trauma” copyright Licia Berry 2013, All Rights Reserved While organizing my local One Billion Rising event in Tallahassee, I was reminded of the different stages of the process of healing after trauma because I saw women in...

Soul Compost is published!

I’m so pleased to announce that Soul Compost is now a real book!  At 222 pages, it surpassed little “ebook” status and birthed its way into the physical world on 12/21/12.  Here is the description: NEW! Soul Compost – Transforming Adversity into...