Glorious Debris, part 3

Glorious Debris, part 3

The most recent translation of my Midlife Collage will examine the latest elements that I was guided to add.  They bring some interesting medicine! parsley – I utilize plant medicine as part of my energy work, so seeing parsley was a cue to me to ask parsley for...
Glorious Debris

Glorious Debris

I’ve been making intentional collages for over 20 years.  (Collage, of course, is an art technique named from the French, in which one brings together disparate parts to create something new.)  I did as a kid, but I started in earnest in my first year teaching...
Captain of My Soul

Captain of My Soul

A favorite poem, something to remind all of us how amazing we are… “Invictus” Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not...

The Women First

A journal entry from 10-30-09 The little boy I picked up in the labyrinth ( is beginning to stir now…he has more life in him, whereas he did not seem to inhabit his body very much before.  I feel he is a...