by Licia Berry | Feb 7, 2009 | Licia's Observations
I remember it so clearly….when I was 8 months pregnant with my first baby, I thought I surely could not get any bigger. But it was not time yet, so I waited. When I was 9 months pregnant with Jess, I thought I would pop and pondered how this watermelon-sized...
by Licia Berry | Jan 20, 2009 | Berry Family Gazette
The family and I watched the inauguration with excitement this morning. 8:30 a.m. on the Pacific coast. Jess said as we woke him up, “It feels like Christmas!” I had to agree…the anticipation and exhilaration of this day feels like all goodness to...
by Licia Berry | Jan 9, 2009 | Berry Family Gazette
One of the consequences of change is that we are invited to relate to the world in a different way than we did before, whether slightly or in a very drastic move to become a different person. I like the degrees of change when I am morphing, myself; a little...
by Licia Berry | Jan 7, 2009 | Berry Family Gazette
Well, the horse is already out of the starting gate, having been chomping at the bit to get out…..we felt that 2008 was a year of the beginning of the end (boy, it sure was) and we feel 2009 being all about the solidification of new beginnings. I am a...