by Licia Berry | Jan 17, 2011 | Licia's Observations
I was guided recently to relax into another aspect of the Sacred Feminine…Allowing. This feels akin to “going with the flow”, or the term “surrender” to me. And while I totally get the concept in some areas of my life, I find it...
by Licia Berry | Jan 12, 2011 | Licia's Observations
The shootings in Tucson have prompted yet another level of waking up in my consciousness. I watch how others respond…the people in my circle are mortified, appalled, even speechless at the violent act as well as the plan of protesters at the funeral of 9-year-old...
by Licia Berry | Dec 25, 2010 | Licia's Observations
I have a few precious moments of serenity as the boys have run down to the neighborhood park for a football game, and my sweet husband has retired to the haven of our bed for a much needed nap. It is Christmas, again, and we were up late last night wrapping presents...
by Licia Berry | Dec 9, 2010 | Licia's Observations
I’ve received some interesting responses to my last post, mostly in private. Seems I’ve hit a nerve in initiating a conversation about healing wounds of the heart. I sometimes think of trust as a fabric, our original design, a picture of innocence, beauty and...
by Licia Berry | Dec 3, 2010 | Licia's Observations
(continued from One Traveler, One Road) One of the hazards of publishing my last post that caused me to hesitate was that some people might read it and think poorly of me, or that they may see my journey as a mandate to stay in a bad marriage, or some other...