by Licia Berry | Nov 17, 2016 | Athena's Library, I AM Her Daughter, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
Recent events in my country have brought me back to an important remembrance: Pain is a great motivator. Every time I’ve experienced intense pain I’ve awakened to important realizations. You may have heard that “Pain is a message”, as a...
by Licia Berry | May 2, 2016 | Athena's Library, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
I have heard other writers talk about their books as their babies and I thought I understood what they meant. A book is something that is carried deep inside, waiting to make its appearance in the world. It is made by you, connected to you and yet, somehow more than...
by Licia Berry | Oct 5, 2015 | Licia's Observations
We are in the perfect Divine Timing to let go of what no longer is true for us. If you’ve been feeling it lately, we are in some Very Big Energy Patterns that are designed to help us loose the baggage and free us to move through the next portal of our evolution....
by Licia Berry | Apr 14, 2014 | Licia's Observations
ENERGY UPDATE by Licia Berry, since 2004 APRIL 14, 2014 An amazing Tetrad of Total Lunar Eclipses begins tomorrow on April 15 at about 2:00 am eastern. A Tetrad of eclipses is when there are four of the same kind of eclipse in a row; this is unusual as there are other...
by Licia Berry | Mar 26, 2014 | Licia's Observations
WOW, it is an incredible time to set intentions! Riding on the Spring Equinox energy (here in the northern hemisphere) and the upcoming Aries New Moon, we are already poised for a burst forward into new beginnings. But in addition to that, we enter a 10-day Portal...