The Summer of the Masculine

The Summer of the Masculine

I know summer’s not over yet, but I’m already seeing a pattern and giving it a theme; for me, this is the summer of the masculine. What do I mean by that?  I experience that I have both feminine and masculine energy within me; I believe this is true for everyone.  I...
Listening with my Inner Ear

Listening with my Inner Ear

I asked my good friend and artist Amy Paloranta if  I might post her wonderful piece, “Archangel Gabriel”, because it illustrates so well what I am feeling right now. I posted a discussion on FaceBook about how I feel as though I am “falling...
Glorious Debris

Glorious Debris

I’ve been making intentional collages for over 20 years.  (Collage, of course, is an art technique named from the French, in which one brings together disparate parts to create something new.)  I did as a kid, but I started in earnest in my first year teaching...
The Concept of Father

The Concept of Father

As I am working with the Divine Masculine and Great Father archetypes of late, the concept of “Father” and what that means is very “up” for me.  I am healing my own inner masculine, as my model is my internalized biological...