Hoka Hey, Ruby

Well, my last biological grandparent has left this earth and become one with the All That Is.  I wish she had realized that while she was living!  Ruby died this morning around 3:00 a.m. mountain time in Tucson. It was not an easy death…my Aunt Wendy has...

Looking for the Right Plug

One of the consequences of change is that we are invited to relate to the world in a different way than we did before, whether slightly or in a very drastic move to become a different person.  I like the degrees of change when I am morphing, myself;  a little...

New Beginnings

Well, the horse is already out of the starting gate, having been chomping at the bit to get out…..we felt that 2008 was a year of the beginning of the end (boy, it sure was) and we feel 2009 being all about the solidification of new beginnings. I am a...


Monterey is located on the Monterey Peninsula, about 2 hours south of San Francisco and two hours north of San Luis Obispo…it is the apparent dividing line between southern and northern California when looking at a map.  The Peninsula is not a pronounced one in the...