by Licia Berry | Mar 23, 2011 | Licia's Observations
When we bring the feminine and masculine energy into partnership within us, our systems become more balanced. The most basic energy of physical reality is feminine in nature; this is the energy that All Creation comes from. The most emergent energy of physical...
by Licia Berry | Mar 20, 2011 | Licia's Observations
Spring Equinox I’ve been a translator for higher consciousness for years; I used to post consistent updates on the larger energetic picture as I understood it (given to me by said higher consciousness). It was in June of 2008, at the point that my site was getting...
by Licia Berry | Mar 15, 2011 | Licia's Observations
With the recent events in Japan, the collective emotional energy is one of fear, grief, and anger. Since we are all connected, at some level all of us are feeling it. Depending on your comfort level with expressing emotion, you could be doing lots of crying these...
by Licia Berry | Mar 11, 2011 | Licia's Observations
The idea that all life is connected and that all life is sacred makes a lot of sense to me. Perhaps this is an innate holdover from indigenous ancestry (which we all have if you go back far enough). I have fallen into the trap of some spiritual philosophies that...
by Licia Berry | Mar 1, 2011 | Licia's Observations
I’ve been thinking lately about our years in Colorado; the mid-point of our 7-year odyssey, we bought land there in February of 2006 and remained there (mostly, with lots of travel occurring) until August of 2009. It was a great landing place for us to integrate what...