Wise Ways 2 – Surrender IN

Wise Ways 2 – Surrender IN

Wise Ways 2 – Surrender IN I’ve been guided to start making videos!  I’m sure that my years of practice on my BlogTalk radio show “GoofyGoddess Radio” were preparation for this next step.  I’m grateful to have a way to interface with folks in an even more...
The Artful Dodger (or, Life #54,276)

The Artful Dodger (or, Life #54,276)

In my work with currency and healing my relationship with it, I was guided yesterday to make myself a Spirit Collage (I make these for you, too-https://liciaberry.com/Illumined-Arts.htm) to answer some of my questions.  Why am I afraid that money will be taken away...
$hifting into Balance

$hifting into Balance

In a world that has lived in imbalance for such a long time, we are seeing balance returning in little and big ways.  Whether in the political arena, the weather, emotional ups and downs, or world economics, the Great Balancing is underway. What does this mean to the...